mahatenders eprocurement registration

Mahatenders eProcurement registration Process

To register for Mahatenders eProcurement, you can:
  1. Go to
  2. Click Online Bidder Enrollment on the right-hand menu
  3. Enter a valid email address and mobile number
  4. Update other details, such as company name, registration number, and contact details
  5. Log in to the portal and complete digital signature enrollment with the e-token

Once registered, you will receive a login ID and password. You can use these to log in and continue the bidding process.

The eProcurement System of India allows tenderers to download tender schedules for free and submit bids online.

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How to file e tender in Maharashtra?

To file an e-tender in Maharashtra, you can:
  1. Complete the registration process on
  2. Log in to
  3. Map your DSC
  4. Fill out the online registration form by selecting the Online Bidder Enrollment link on the eTenders website
  5. Enter the OTP received, and create a password


Here are some documents you may need for a government tender application:
  • Udyog Adhaar or Company Registration or LLP Registration
  • PAN Card
  • Aadhaar card
  • Bank Account details
  • Address proof
  • Cancelled cheque copy
  • Class 3 Digital signature
The tender process involves:
  • Determining the tender process
  • Preparing the request for tender
  • Publishing the tenders
  • Receiving tenders
  • Evaluating the tender and selection
  • Notification

The tender process is also called the bidding process. It involves preparing the bid proposal and submitting it online, and the evaluation and selection process of the suitable winner.

How to register DSC on mahatenders?

To upload a Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) on the Mahatenders eProcurement portal, you can:
  1. Click the Signing Certificate option on the page
  2. Follow the instructions and select the appropriate commands

For information about the Mahatenders Government e-procurement process, you can visit the official website at


Are you looking to register for Mahatenders eProcurement but not sure where to start? Look no further! This FAQ guide will provide you with all the information you need to successfully register for Mahatenders eProcurement.

What is Mahatenders eProcurement?

Mahatenders eProcurement is an online platform that allows vendors to participate in the e-tendering process for various government projects in Maharashtra. It streamlines the procurement process, making it more efficient and transparent.

Why should I register for Mahatenders eProcurement?

Registering for Mahatenders eProcurement opens up opportunities for vendors to bid on government tenders, increasing their chances of securing contracts. It also ensures compliance with government procurement regulations and promotes fair competition among vendors.

How do I register for Mahatenders eProcurement?

Registering for Mahatenders eProcurement is a simple process. Vendors need to visit the official Mahatenders website and create an account. They will need to provide necessary documents and information to complete the registration process.

What documents do I need to register for Mahatenders eProcurement?

When registering for Mahatenders eProcurement, vendors will need to provide documents such as their company registration certificate, PAN card, GST registration certificate, and bank account details. These documents are essential for verifying the vendor's identity and eligibility to participate in e-tendering.

How long does it take to complete the registration process?

The time it takes to complete the registration process for Mahatenders eProcurement can vary depending on how quickly vendors can gather and submit the required documents. Typically, the process can be completed within a few days if all necessary documents are readily available.

What are the benefits of registering for Mahatenders eProcurement?

Registering for Mahatenders eProcurement opens up a world of opportunities for vendors to bid on government tenders, expand their business, and establish credibility in the market. It also promotes transparency and efficiency in the procurement process, benefiting both vendors and government agencies.

Now that you have all the information you need, why wait? Register for Mahatenders eProcurement today and take your business to new heights!


Are you looking to register for a Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) on the Mahatenders eProcurement platform? Here are some frequently asked questions to guide you through the process:

What is a Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)?

A Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) is a secure digital key that certifies the identity of the holder for online transactions. It ensures the security and authenticity of documents submitted electronically.

Why do I need a DSC for Mahatenders eProcurement?

Registering for a DSC on the Mahatenders eProcurement platform is mandatory for participating in e-tendering processes. It ensures the security and integrity of online transactions and documents exchanged on the platform.

How can I register for a DSC on Mahatenders eProcurement?

To register for a DSC on the Mahatenders eProcurement platform, you need to follow the specified guidelines and procedures outlined on the official website. This typically involves submitting the necessary documents and completing the registration process with a certified DSC provider.

What are the benefits of using a DSC on Mahatenders eProcurement?

Using a DSC on the Mahatenders eProcurement platform offers enhanced security, authenticity, and integrity for your online transactions. It streamlines the e-tendering process and ensures compliance with legal requirements for electronic documentation.

How long does it take to get a DSC for Mahatenders eProcurement?

The time taken to obtain a DSC for Mahatenders eProcurement may vary depending on the DSC provider and the completeness of your documentation. Typically, the process can be completed within a few days to a week.

Registering for a DSC on the Mahatenders eProcurement platform is a crucial step in participating in e-tendering processes. By following the guidelines and procedures outlined by the platform, you can ensure the security and authenticity of your online transactions and documents.

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