Renew Digital signature

Digital signature Renewal After Expiry

DSC Renewal
Here are the steps for DSC Renewal:
- Select the type of DSC
- Make payment
- Complete documentation
- Complete mobile and video verifications
- Your DSC will be ready within 10 to 20 minutes.
The renewal cost for a class 3 digital signature is 3,400 INR for two years, including 18% GST.The cost of renewing a class 3 DSC for one year is 2,400 INR.
If a DSC has already expired, a fresh application is required.The renewal process is the same as getting a new DSC in a new USB token.

Digital Signature renewal charges
DSC renewal fees depend on the certificate type. You need to check your certificate type and which digital signature you have class 2 or class 3. Open your USB token tool and find out the certificate type.
If you have a class 3 digital signature then the renewal cost is 3400/- for 2 Years including GST 18%.
You can apply for renewal 7 days before your current DSC expires.
he cost of renewing a Class III DSC is:
- 1 year validity: INR 2,400
- 2 years: INR 3,400
- 3 years: INR 4,400
You can register your renewed DSC by:
- Visiting the Income Tax official portal.
- Logging in with your user ID and password.
- Selecting "Register DSC" from the "My Profile" drop-down menu.
- Entering your email linked with the account.

Digital signature renewal process
Here are some steps to digital signature renewal process:
- Select the type of DSC
- Make payment
- Complete documentation
- Complete mobile and video verifications
- Your DSC will be ready within 10 to 20 minutes
The information and documents required for renewal of digital signature depend on the type of user.
you can renew an expired DSC. The renewal process is similar to obtaining a new DSC in a new USB token. You'll need to submit all documentation and verifications again.A new certificate will be issued that can be downloaded to your existing USB token.After downloading, your DSC will start working again.

Contact us for Support
If you still facing some issue and your issue not resolve yet. contact us for support.