Apply for Digital signature

You can now acquire Digital Signature Certificates for individuals and organizations through our website using a fully online and paperless procedure.This option is open to all Indian citizens seeking to obtain Digital Signature Certificates (DSC) using either "PAN" or "Aadhaar Paperless Offline eKYC.

  • Class 2 DSC

    Previously, Class 2 certificates were issued to both business professionals and private individuals for purposes such as Document Signing, GST, IT Return, and ROC Return. However, as of January 1, 2021, Class 2 certificates have been discontinued and replaced by Class 3 DSC.

  • Class 3 DSC

    A Class 3 Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) isthe highest level of DSC, and is used for digital signatures, message encryption, object signing, and secure web servers.

    Class 3 DSC 

    A DGFT Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) is a digital tool that helps with online transactions and organization registration. It's used by Export and Import Organizations (EXIM Organizations) to help with foreign exchange activities.

Apply for digital signature online

Apply for digital signature online

Here are the steps for applying Digital signature online :

  1. Select the type of DSC
  2. Make payment
  3. Complete documentation
  4. Complete mobile and video verifications
  5. Your DSC will be ready within 10 to 20 minutes.
Apply Digital signature
  • Pan Card

    Applicant PAN card scan copy is Required for applying digital signature.

  • Address Proof

    Utility bills, Bank Statements, Aadhar Card, or any other document that verifies your current address.

  • Passport-sized photo

    Passport-sized photographs with a white background are required

Apply Class 3 Digital signature

Buy Digital signature