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Digital signature for eprocurement

Digital signature for eprocurement

Regular price Rs. 2,599.00
Regular price Rs. 5,499.00 Sale price Rs. 2,599.00
Sale Sold out
Tax included.

Documents Required to Upload

For Individual

  • Scanned copy of PAN card.
  • Scanned copy of Address Proof.
  • Passport size Photo of the applicant in JPG / PNG format.

For Organization

  • Company GST Certificate copy
  • Scanned copy of PAN card.
  • Scanned copy of Address Proof.
  • Passport size Photo of the applicant in JPG / PNG format.

Save an Additional 10% with Exclusive Promo Code Z6624JGA3WSK

Secure your procurement transactions with ease using our Digital Signature solution. With industry-leading encryption technology, our digital signature ensures secure and authentic electronic signatures, saving you time and resources. Say goodbye to paper-based signatures and hello to efficient and reliable eprocurement processes.

Service Include

  • Signing and Encryption Certificate 
  • USB Token 
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digital signature for eprocurement online

How to get a digital signature for eprocurement online?

Here are the steps to get Digital signature for eprocurement online:

  1. Select the type of DSC
  2. Make payment
  3. Complete documentation
  4. Complete mobile and video verifications
  5. Your DSC will be ready within 10 to 20 minutes.

A digital signature certificate (DSC) is required for participating in the bidding process for eProcurement.A DSC is an electronic stamp of authentication that confirms the information originated from the signer and has not been altered.

A DSC has legal status because it is approved under the Information Technology Act.Transactions that are done using the internet and signed using a DSC become legally valid.

change dsc in e-procurement portal

How to change dsc in e-procurement portal

Here's how to change your Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) in an e-procurement portal:

  1. Log in with your user ID and existing DSC
  2. Select "Change DSC details"
  3. Fill in the required details for the DSC
  5. Select your DSC from the window
  6. Select the renewed/Changed DSC